► 2024 California Business Essentials Update
DOWNLOAD CENTERNow Updated for 2024
► View Sample Pages
- Sample Employment Agreement (Partial)
- Sample Harassment Policy (Partial)
- Sample Severance Agreement (Partial
►What’s Included? Our Top 17 Most Downloaded Forms
Our professionally-prepared forms, policies, and templates cover cover the latest and top issues for California employers and businesses:
California Employment Agreement
For use with employees. Comprehensive treatment of top employee issues including:
- At-will employment
- Compensation
- Termination
- Release of claims against company officers
- Duty of loyalty
- General confidentiality
- Channeling of business opportunities
- Inventions
- Intellectual property
- Non-disparagement
- Indemnity
- Governing law
- Successors & assigns
- Severability
- Amendments & Waiver
- Attorneys’ Fees
- Injunctive Relief
- Independent Counsel
California Arbitration Agreement
For use with employees. Includes:
- Scope of arbitration
- Nature of arbitration
- Number of arbitrators/neutrals
- Prevailing party
- Claims included in arbitration
CA Paid Sick Leave Policy (Accrual)
For use with employees. Includes:
- Eligibility
- Up-Front Availability
- Terms of Use
- Caps
- Definitions on who can use
- Procedure
- Reinstatement
- Separation terms
CA Paid Sick Leave (Up-Front)
For use with employees. Includes:
- Eligibility
- Up-Front Availability
- Terms of Use
- Caps
- Definitions on who can use
- Procedure
- Reinstatement
- Separation terms
CA Employee Rest Break Policy
For use with employees who are “non-exempt” / subject to labor law protections such as mandatory rest breaks. Includes:
- Breakdown of rest breaks per hours worked
- Covers multiple shifts
- Addresses OSHA recovery periods
- Addresses duty-free / on-call status
CA Employee Meal Break Waiver
For use with employees who are “non-exempt” / subject to labor law protections such as mandatory meal breaks. Includes:
- Meal break waiver agreement
- Addresses meal breaks after shifts of 6 and 12 hours
- Revocation language included
CA On-Duty Meal Break Waiver
For use with employees who are “non-exempt” / subject to labor law protections such as mandatory meal breaks. This form obtains employee’s agreement for on-duty meals when employee cannot be relieved of all duty due to the nature of the work. Includes:
- Meal break waiver agreement
- Addresses meal breaks after shifts of 6 and 12 hours
- Addresses on-duty meal break waiver language
- Revocation language included
CA Harassment Policy
For use with employees and independent contractors of all types (full time, part time, etc.) Includes:
- Anti-harassment policy
- Anti-discrimination policy
- Anti-retaliation policy
- Persons subject to policy
- Prohibited Conduct
- Definitions of harassment
- Sexual harassment
- Discrimination
- Retaliation
- Complaint process
- Confidentiality
- Response & Investigation
- Remedial Actions
- Supervisor & Manager reports.
CA Independent Contractor Agreement
For use with independent contractors. Comprehensive treatment of top independent contractor issues including:
- Scope of work
- Compensation
- Termination
- Release of claims against company officers
- Duty of loyalty
- General confidentiality
- Channeling of business opportunities
- Inventions
- Intellectual property
- Non-disparagement
- Indemnity
- Governing law
- Successors & assigns
- Severability
- Amendments & Waiver
- Attorneys’ Fees
- Injunctive Relief
- Independent Counsel
CA Job Application for New Employees
For use with new candidates and new hires:
- Complies with CA check the box requirements
- Addresses reference checks
- Addresses criminal background limitations in CA
- Addresses credit report limitations in CA
- For use with all types of jobs and employees
CA Job Interview ‘DO NOT ASK’ Checklist
For use with new candidates and new hires:
- Complies with CA job interview requirements
- “Do not ask” list of job questions
- Addresses candidate background “don’t ask” questions
- Addresses medical conditions “don’t ask” questions
- Addresses educational “don’t ask” questions
- Addresses personal/family “don’t ask” questions
- Addresses military / minority / politics “don’t ask” questions
- Addresses salary “don’t ask” questions
CA Non-Disclosure Agreement
For general use for California businesses & employers. Covers non-disclosure requirements on any third party. Includes:
- Confidential information broad definitions paragraph
- Intellectual property
- No reverse engineering
- Mutual non-competes & non-solicits
- Publicity restrictions
- Compelled disclosures
- Common interest agreements
- Term
- Remedies
- Dispute resolution
- Severability
- Assignments
- Counterpart
- Governing laws
- Entire agreement
- Successors & assigns
CA Offer Letter for New Hires
Welcome your new hires with a custom-tailored offer letter outlining the basics of the position they are being hired for.
CA Employee Separation & Release Agreement
For use with employees who have departed / been terminated / etc. Severance and release agreement is intended to release all of the employee’s claims against the Company as part of employee’s separation. Includes:
- Severance and release terms
- Waiver of all claims
- Waiver of CA Section 1542 of Civil Code
- Confidentiality obligations
- No reference to employer
- Non-disparagement
- Non-amplification of content online
- No solicitations
- No blanket waivers
- Construction of language
- Modifications
- Governing law
- Severability
- Withholding issues
- Dispute / Meet & confer
CA Form Employers’ Response to Unemployment Claim
For use in connection with unemployment claims filed by departing employees. Includes:
- Response re: voluntary quits
- Response re: Voluntary resignations
- Response re: Misconduct
- Response re: falsified information
- Response re: excessive absences / tardiness
► Getting Legal Help
AXIS Legal Counsel’s Business and Corporations Practice provides legal advice to numerous businesses with a wide range of business matters. Axis represent small, medium-sized, and large business clients with a wide variety of business and corporate law matters. We represent early-stage companies as well as established businesses on a wide variety of business law matters, ranging from contracts and transactions, intellectual property, labor/employment law, business financing, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, insurance, business succession planning, and general advice and counsel. For information on retaining AXIS Legal Counsel to represent your business in connection with any legal matter, contact [email protected] or call (213) 403-0100 for a confidential consultation.
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