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Zoo Books for 1st Grade Readers in Columbia, Missouri

Axis recently donated to the Derby Ridge Elementary School in Columbia, Missouri, to help purchase reading options about zoo animals.

Derby Ridge is a Title I school categorized as “High Poverty,” and teaches students from a wide range of  academic abilities, social/emotional development and backgrounds. With the diversity of learners, their teacher Ms. Mirts was looking enhance their literacy experience by provide them with a variety of authors and reading materials.




From Ms. Mirts: 

 My Students

As a teacher in a Title I school, students in my 1st grade classroom are faced with many challenges. There is a wide range of academic abilities, social/emotional development and backgrounds. With the diversity of learners, I am looking enhance their literacy experience by provide my students with a variety of authors and reading topics.

My students are clever, inquisitive and energetic.

My students are very energetic and like to move, I am going to working very hard on their academic achievement throughout the year. Due to the diversity of the students and their families I want to make sure there is an opportunity for these students to have a wide variety of learning experiences while in the classroom. I want to take away the obstacles in the way so that all students have the opportunity to learn. Once in the classroom, I focus on the students and work to show improvement and growth while they are progressing through the 1st grade. I will focus on providing quality learning opportunities while my 1st graders are at school.

My Project

The theme of our classroom is all about zoo animals and learning about the facts and information that goes with each animal. As we move throughout the school year, we will investigate many of the animals that are in a zoo and it is interesting to read and see books that contain these facts. Many of these students will only get to see these animals in these books.

Literacy in our classroom linked with the theme will hopefully generate interest in reading and help students retain the information within the books.Reading around the theme can be great fun and will motivate students to seek out other themes of interest to them and create habits of reading for interest.

Every class needs good books to reach, and zoo animal books would be a great addition to Ms. Mirts’ class, which had a zoo theme.  Ms. Mirts reports that the kids were thrilled, and enjoying their new reading material: